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It's More than
a Patch

An ONYX Pearls NY-NE Membership is an honor and carries with it service requirements to the Chapter, the Community, and even to our individual Sisters/Siblings.  Learn more about our Membership Options, Qualifications, and Responsibilities.

ONYX Pearls NY-NE Membership Overview

Who We Are

We are a diverse group!  Our members range in age from 20’s - 60’s and include various sexual orientations as well as gender-orientations.  Our individual interests vary from general kink and fetishes to S&M and committed Power Exchange dynamics.  We have sibling who identify as Masters/Sirs, Dominants, Tops, bottoms, submissive, slaves, and property.  We have sibling who practice polyamory, monogamy, and maybe something in between.  We have women with more than 30 years in the lifestyle and those with only a few years.  What we share across our diversity is a Leather Siblingood and belief in our organization’s mission and goals. 


Our Mission

ONYX Pearls NY-Northeast’s mission is to build a Siblinghood that supports, educates, and empowers Women (Trans-inclusive, Non-binary, Gender Queer, Femme identified, Butch, Trans Masc people) of Color (Black/African America, Latinx, Asian, Pacifika Islander, Indigenous, People of the Global Majority) involved in Leather/BDSM/Fetish Lifestyles.  As a responsible Leather Organization in the NYC Metro/Northeast Community, we strive to engage in various social, educational, service, and charitable endeavors within the New York/Northeast area that develop friendships and promote safety for women.

ONYX Pearls New York-Northeast Membership Criteria

While Leather Clubs were historically LGBT-orientated, ONYX Pearls NY-NE has NO restriction or requirement related to sexual orientation.  ALL sexual orientations and Lifestyle roles are welcome.  However, all ONYX Pearls Members MUST honor and practice inclusion practices. 

Full Membership


Woman (Trans-inclusive, nonbinary, gender queer, femme identified, butch, transmasc people) of Color

(Black/African America, Latinx, Asian, Pacifika Islander, Indigenous, People of the Global Majority)


At least 21; Photo ID/Proof of Age is required upon 1st Pledge Class.



Live within New York/ Northeast area (NY, NJ, ME, MA, VT, CT, NH, PA, RI, DE)



Must not be a Full Member of any other club of this type.




Associate Membership


Woman (Trans-inclusive, nonbinary, gender queer, femme identified, butch, transmasc people) of any race/color


At least 21; Photo ID/Proof of Age is required upon 1st Pledge Class.










ONYX Pearls Service & Commitment

Being an ONYX Pearls is not a casual endeavor or simply an awesome patch on your vest.  ONYX Pearls NY-NE offers a life-altering journey of growth, inspiration, accountability and SIBLINGHOOD!  It is a commitment of time, energy, emotions, and profound exploration in Leather Siblinghood and Family.  All Sibling are expected to offer their valuable skills, insights, and service not only the organization but to the Lifestyle Community as well.  

Sibling who wear the ONYX Pearls NY-NE colors are expected to conduct themselves by the Chapter’s Code of Conduct and Characteristics of Siblinghood.  Our individual behavior and reputation is a reflection on our Chapter, so we strive to conduct our due diligence when bringing in new members. 

 Membership Rights & Requirements

Full Membership


Full Members in Good Standing are:

  • Granted Voting Rights

  • Eligible for Elective Offices & a seat as a Representative on the Executive Board Meetings

  • Leasing of Full Colors
    (large patch)

Pledge Requirements

  • 6 Month Pledge Commitment 

  • Fees | $150* (Initiation Fee:  $50 + Annual Dues: $100)
    The $150 Fee is broken into 2 payments 

  • Initial Non-Refundable** $75 Payment due before Pledge Sessions begin and a 

  • Final $75 Payment before a Pledge can cross over to become a Full Member.

* Cover membership, patch(es), nameplate.

** Initial Payment is Non-Refundable except if the Pledge drops out or withdraws prior to Acceptance.


Yearly Service Requirements

  • Attend a minimum 8 Meetings

  • Attend 6 separate events (chapter hosting/participating in) a year which must include Folsom East and the Chapter Anniversary

  • Approximately 8-12 hrs/month service commitment not including travel time.

Associate Membership


Associate Members in Good Standing are:

  • Not granted Voting Rights

  • Ineligible for Elective Office

  • Leasing of Associate Colors (small patch only)

Pledge Requirements

  • 3 Month Pledge Commitment 

  • Fees | $75* (Initiation Fee:  $25 + Annual Dues: $50)
    The $75 Fee is broken into 2 payments

  • Initial Non-Refundable** $37.50 Payment due before Pledge Sessions begin

  • Final $37.50 Payment before a Pledge can cross over to become an Associate Member.

* Cover membership, patch(es), nameplate.

** Initial Payment is Non-Refundable except if the Pledge drops out or withdraws prior to Acceptance.


Yearly Service Requirements

  • Attend a minimum 3-4 Meetings

  • Attend 3 separate events (chapter hosting/participating in) a year which must include Folsom East and the Chapter Anniversary

  • Approximately 6-8 hrs/month service commitment not including travel time.

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